Day One
Adobe Keynote (unofficial video)
Kevin Lynch, Adobe
ActionScript 3 for Designers
Rich Shupe, FMA
On the Road with Adobe AIR
Mike Chambers, Adobe
The Secret to Project Management for the Creative Studio
Daniel Schutzsmith, GraphicDefine
Branding via Social Media for the Interactive Artist and Small Agency (will be removed 09/28/07!)
Giovanni Gallucci
OOP for the Noob – What’s in the Box?
Peter Elst, MindStudio
Rediscovering Fun!
Aral Balkan
Flash Workflows in Creative Suite 3
Colin Smith,
Video Game Opportunities with Flash
John Say, Say Design, Inc.
Creating and Selling Your Mobile Flash Content
Bill Perry, Adobe Systems
Building and Architecting a Flex Application: A Case Study
Chafic Kazoun, Atellis
Day Two
Breakfast Session: Flash Output with QuarkXPress 7 and Quark Interactive Designer!
Matthias Guenther, Quark
Tame Your Game with CS3 and ActionScript 3
Jay Laird, Metaversal Studios
Stylizing Flex Applications
Joey Lott, The Morphic Group
Animation Tips and Tricks
Chris Georgenes, Mudbubble
AIR, Finetune Desktop, and the Circle of Engagement
Tony MacDonell, Teknision
Designers vs. Developers: How To Avoid Fights on the Playground
Marc Leuchner, Almighty
Matt Wright, ROKKAN
Real World Flash Design Recipes
Colin Smith,
The Art and Zen of Mobile Games Using Flash (no content yet)
Scott Janousek, Hooken Mobile
Advergaming: From Pitch to Production with Flash CS3
Samuel Rivello, Neopets, Inc., an MTVN Company
Day Three
Keynote: The Aesthetics of Computation
John Maeda, MIT Media Lab
AS3 Particle Effects – Now 1000% Extra FREE!
Seb Lee-Delisle, Plug-in Media
Carlos Ulloa, Papervision3D
BitmapData and 3D Image Manipulation in AS3
Paul Ortchanian, Goodby Silverstein & Partners
AIR Outside of the Box
Keith Peters, BIT-101
Flash and Search Engine Optimization (will be removed 09/28/07!)
Giovanni Gallucci
Flex and AJAX
David Gassner, Bardo Technical Services
If you have any information about any of the other sessions please let me know!
Here’s one more:
Chris Georgenes (Day 2)
Thanks Peter! I have added him in to the list, I also sent this out to my friends who attended so hopefully it will become more complete in the next few days.
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