Using multiple categories in EventCalendar3 for WordPress

By | June 11, 2006

So I read at a few points that EventCalendar 3.1 was on its way, but I decided to start mangling some code to get multiple event categories to work!

Open eventcalendar3.php near line 525;

// Which posts are we interested in?
// Category ID number for event posts.
$where_post = "category_id IN ('$ec3->event_category','14')";

I changed $where_post to add another category, this category will show up in the calendar now!

Also update line 540 to incorperate the same code so the date will be colored!

$calendar_entries = $wpdb->get_results(
DAYOFMONTH(post_date) AS day,
MONTH(post_date) AS month,
YEAR(post_date) AS year,
(category_id IN ('$ec3->event_category','14')) AS is_event
FROM $tableposts,$tablepost2cat
WHERE post_date >= '$begin_date'
AND post_date <  '$end_date'
AND post_status = 'publish'
AND id = post_id
AND $where_post
ORDER BY post_date ASC"

Each of my Event categories I want to add will be entirely seperate categories, no sub-categories, I did this so I could exclude some categories from showing up where I did not want them.

To add each category to show up like the events open eventcalendar3.php again near line 1032;

$ec3->is_listing =
(preg_match("/\bcategory_id\s*=\s*'?($ec3->event_category|3|4|14|8|9)'?\b/",$where) ||

I changed preg_match("/\bcategory_id\s*=\s*'?$ec3->event_category'?\b/",$where) || to add the extra categories.

Each category I want to show up in the calendar view I make sure that they are part of the Event category as well as their own.

You can see this in effect at

2 thoughts on “Using multiple categories in EventCalendar3 for WordPress

  1. Jeff

    I seem to have completely different code in my version of EC3. Different variable names and different lines. I can’t quite make the translation.

  2. Barrett Sonntag Post author

    Jeff, it has been 3 years since I messed with EC3, it is likely that the code base has changed completely. I wish you luck.

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